Friday, September 5, 2008

Gossip Girl Season Premiere

On September 1st we were greeted once again by a favorite guilty pleasure, Gossip Girl.

The voice of Kirsten Bell returned with tons of juicy scandals. What with Dan playing the field, Nate doing the dirty with a married woman, and Blair's new boyfriend sporting a particular heart-shaped pin on his sleeve. Jenny however has taken a break from the dating life. She's decided to focus more on her sewing where she has an internship with a top designer. J Humphrey even patched things up with Eric. Together, they attended "The White Party (sponsored by Vitamin Water)" to which, Jenny wore a dress she designed. It was a hit!

Fortunately, Serena and Dan made up as well and are happily back together. Unfortunatley, Blair and Chuck are not, due to Chuck not being able to say those three short words. He got out the first one "I...I-I..." Some how his lips just couldn't form the words"love you." Dumbass. (Plus his hair looked terribble!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok so i was gonna comment all of your posts with charmm and wit but im pulling a blank on this one haha.