Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hello World

I am new to blogging so I am not the most blog-savvy blogger (yes, I just over used the word 'blog' quite a bit...that shows you how much of a rookie I am.) I am a t.v. lover, so that is what I will be writing about. enjoy, comment, and let me know what you think.


Anna Whalen said...

Hey Arielle,
i tried 2 e-mail u but i didn't work so now i am commenting : )( by the way i luv it) so i guess i just wanted to say hey, by the way how did u even notice any of that stuff in one tree hill, u must hav tv superpowers or sumthing, anyway call me when u get bac

Luv the blog : ),

Anonymous said...

this is perfect for you..i wonder what dooley would say...

anywhoo i love it and its totally you...i bookmarked it so i will be checking it daily (or almost.)

put more friends stuff!

:D hannah

atscheer4u said...

dooley would laugh.

Anonymous said...

I know that this my sound stupid but i'm not quite sure what a blog is supposed to look like, but i like yours! You must enjoy watching tv. =) lol.
xoxo anna t.