Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Not What It Seems

The shows like One Tree Hill and The O.C. are entertaining for sure. But once in a while you have to ask yourself, why is lucas scott playing ball at the river court rather in a calculus class at Tree Hill high? Why is Seth Cohen playing Halo instead of learning how to conjugate spanish verbs? The answer is yet to be found.

The characters in Friends spend their days drinking coffee, hanging out, and (50% of them) shoe shopping. Shouldn't Ross be discovering dinosaur species, Joey acting, Monica cooking, Chandler doing whatever he does, and Phoeboe messaging strangers?-Which, by the way, couldnt possibly pay enough for her to live the life she does. Rachel is at work so little that I dont even know what she does. something at Bloomingdales/ Ralph Lauren, of course. But what?

In Will & Grace, Will is supposed to be a fairly successful lawyer. But the funny thing is, he rarley works. When he does, he seems to only have one client at a time. For example, Harlin Polk, the southern-talking, loud, bazillionare. Or, Stuart Lamarack, another bazillionare who became Jack's "long term" boyfriend. At the time will was handling these clients, he wasn't working for anyone else. If we took this further, we could say that will didnt have any other clients that we were aware of. Very unrealistic.

Television can be decieving. It more likley is than isn't. There always is a desire we have when watching a juicy episode of Gossip Girl, that life might actually be that way. That perhaps we can go have breakfast at Lukes Diner before school and not be terribly late. I would like a little less false hope from the television producers and a little more realism. Now, I'm definatley not talking about reality TV (because the last thing we need is more of that.) But come on, Lucas should put the basketball down and take out a peice of paper and pencil and do what a normal person does on a weekday.


Norah Reeshard said...

Okay totally get what your saying her, But that would be EXTREMELY BORING!

I mean the whole gang of Friends have boring jobs, (and by the way I'm pretty sure what Rachel does have little to do with fashion and more with money! But as we all know she is not so good with money herself therefore it is a bad job for her.) And we all get to much school to want to watch it on TV. And the Often has scenes at the school (like lunch or courtyards) because once again CLASS IS BORING!

P.S. Sorry I am commenting so much I just always have lots to say...and it just happens that what your talking about I am extremely opinionated.

atscheer4u said...

when it comes to comments, the more the merrier.

MsGaines said...

I don't think the characters' jobs are important in and of themselves, so they aren't featured. What IS important though is that they have "white collar" jobs that require college degrees. The point of giving them jobs is to establish them within a class context. We need to know that Ross is a Ph.D. because that tells us roughly how wealthy he is and that he earned multiple degrees. Same with Will Truman. Same with Grace Adler and Chandler Bing, and every sitcom character who comes home from work in a suit or dress. Their jobs are irrelevant. Their income is what matters to the targeted audience.