Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Grey's Premiere

Last Thursday, Rose decided to move to another branch of the hospitol, MerDer decided to move in together (finally), and Cristina got herself a new and mysterious love interest. It was a...Mediore..? episode. There was not much suspense besides Cristina getting jabbed in the stomache with a icicle. But, hey, that happens all the time at Seattle Grace. Alex seemed to be having some masculinity issues. Izzie reminiced a bit about Denny (Eww) and might have a small crush on Alex again. In closing, the Cheif is going hard core after having hte hospitol score number 12 on some top 100 list online. Not a particularly exciting two hours.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Full House; Then and Now

Remember Kimmy Gibbler? Michelle? Joey? Danny? DJ? Whatever happend to the lovable actors portraying our cute and funny characters?

Lori Loughlin
She played Becky, the co-host of Wake Up San Francisco and wife to Jesse Katsopolis. Now, Lori Loughlin is Debbie Wilson, Mother to Annie and Dixon. She lives in Beverly Hills and has the specific of 90210.

Candace CameronCandace Cameron Bure was then, DJ Tanner. Now the most exciting thing she has accomplished is an appearance on a random TV episode here and there and a couple mediocre TV movies. Oh, and I beleive there was a Bill Nye the Science Guy episode a few years back. I'm gonna take a guess and say, Candace isn't quite intrested in the spotlight anymore. A darn shame? Not reallly, I doubt she's being missed.

Bob Saget Then, Danny Tanner, single father to DJ, Stephanie and Michelle. Lived with these three daughters and two other middle-aged men, like himself. You can see how he would have trouble dating. These days he is best known as the host of America's Funniest Home Video's and perhaps as the older Ted Mosby in How I Met Your Mother.

Jodie Sweetin portayed Stephanie Tanner for 8 years. Since then she appeared in two episodes of Party of Five, Yes, Dear and minute roles in two not-well-known movies. She now has a newborn baby as of April 12 this year.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Gossip Girl Season Premiere

On September 1st we were greeted once again by a favorite guilty pleasure, Gossip Girl.

The voice of Kirsten Bell returned with tons of juicy scandals. What with Dan playing the field, Nate doing the dirty with a married woman, and Blair's new boyfriend sporting a particular heart-shaped pin on his sleeve. Jenny however has taken a break from the dating life. She's decided to focus more on her sewing where she has an internship with a top designer. J Humphrey even patched things up with Eric. Together, they attended "The White Party (sponsored by Vitamin Water)" to which, Jenny wore a dress she designed. It was a hit!

Fortunately, Serena and Dan made up as well and are happily back together. Unfortunatley, Blair and Chuck are not, due to Chuck not being able to say those three short words. He got out the first one "I...I-I..." Some how his lips just couldn't form the words"love you." Dumbass. (Plus his hair looked terribble!)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One Tree Hill Season Premiere

OTH season 6! The first episode was nail-biting. It began with a dream sequence of Lucas's. His imagining what life would be like married to each Brooke, Peyton and Lindsay. He awoke, and we find out that it was Peyton he called asking for her hand in marriage! She accepted and together, they flew to Vegas. They stayed in a hotel room with a mirror on the ceiling and decided that a wedding with Elvis as their witness was just not right. In closing, they returned to the place that Lucas proposed the first time, four years ago. This happy couple had a sweet storyline.

Last season's finale ended in Dan dramatically being hit by a car. But now who was it that picked his unstable body up off the street and put him in a hospital bed? None other than Nanny Carrie! After he was stabilized, she stole him from the hospital and drove him to an unidentified house. She commenced in torturing him over and over. I think myself and other viewers, for once, felt sympathetic toward Dan. Every time there was a scene with the two of them, I cringed and wanted to hide under a blanket like a 6-year old.

Millicent decided to move with Mouth in order to be together. Brooke gave her blessing and everything. At the end of the episode, when Brooke was closing up the store, somebody in a dark mask broke in and completely tackled Broke and beat her. It was intense, frightening and a bit shocking considering Brooke never gets hurt. Unlike every other character on the show, they have all been hospitalized.

The icing on the cake was Q teaching Jamie some hip-hop moves! Then, Jamie teaching the dance to Haley!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Not Our Generation. Not the Best. Not Too Bad.

If you've taken notice to my lack of posting lately; observant move. And to you and myself, I would like to say, "Welcome Back!....Kotter." Welcome Back Kotter, a 1970's primetime TV show that I have had the pleasure[?] of watching a bit of recently.

Gabe Kotter, a 30-something-year-old alumni, returns to his home town to teach a class at his old high school. The students in his class call themselves 'The Sweathogs' due to the fact that they are not ambitious or 'smart'. The kids goof off and make jokes and mock people and on many occasion, tell Mr. Kotter to stick a rubber hose up his nose. Honestly, it is not the highest quality show, and the actors (including John Travolta at the age of 20) are not the best. Shamefully, it makes me laugh. Shamefully, I like it. Shamefully, I cared enough to look it up on In duing so, I came to the conclusion that I am not the only one who thinks Kotter is worth it, because IMDB gives it a rating of 7.2 out of 10.

Friday, August 8, 2008

What Ever Happend To Baby Trever?

The very first episode of Desperate Housewives, Edie refers to Mrs. McCluskey watching her son because Edie herself would be "entertaining" a man friend. Later in the episode, Edie's house burned down. The entire neighborhood stood outside behind the yellow caution tape surrounding the ash that was once a home. One of the concerned neighbors were Mrs. McCluskey, without a small boy who could have presumably been Edie's son.

After that episode, viewers did not see or hear about this kid. Until, two seasons later, eleven-year-old Trever came into the picture. He was the son of Edie's that she used to lure Carlos into liking her. (No, that's not a bad reason to have a child at all.) Supposedly Trevor lives with his dad, but I find it flawed that a main character has a son, whom, for two years she neglected to show us.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Beverly Hills 9021-Oh No

The CW is re-making Beverly Hills 90210. Although the original show is secretly a guilty pleasure of mine, I believe this re-make is a tragic idea. Solely because this proves to us viewers that the television industry has completely run out of ideas. It's already happened with movies. There is such an unbelievable amount of re-make movies that I could just kill myself.

I would be interested to know if the CW is just borrowing the name and zip code from the old soap opera, or if they will actually name the characters Dylan, Donna, Kelly, Brenda, Brendan, etc. I have my hopes set on the plot lines not paying drastic homage to the original 90210. That could be potentially corny.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ahhem, Ahhem...Reality Stars Are'nt Real Stars...Ahhem...

I'm going to touch base upon a subject that is sore to some. Reality TV. Lets face it, I will never consider any of Laguna Beach, The Hills, Tila Tequila or Brooke Knows Best to be a real show. I feel that reality TV is just a way for us to invade other people's privacy because we don't have anything dramatic going on in our own lives.

Our generation has taken reality TV to a whole new scary level. To prove this, I will point out that Lauren Conrad was on an issue of Seventeen magazine.
What's so great about Lauren? Seventeen always tries to find inspiring, talented girls to put on their cover. But, Lauren? She is a spoiled, bratty rich girl who has no talent. When your on a reality show you aren't acting (at least your not supposed to be.) So she can't act, she doesn't have some kind of ridiculous album out, so she can't sing. I'm assuming she doesn't dance. so, unless she is a closeted bowing pin juggler, Jack The Ripper deserves to be on the cover of a magazine more than this reality star.
To try to quote Rachel Quaintance on 'I Love The New Millennium'.....
"Every episode of Laguna Beach was like:
.omg, do you think Stephen is gonna be there?
.I don't know
.ughh, if he is that would be, like, so drama
.ughh. Hey Stephen
.ughh. This is so drama."

Friday, July 25, 2008

Freaks & Geeks

For those out there who are lucky enough to have seen the one-year-long show, Freaks and Geeks, I have a question for you. Who was your FAVORITE character. It may seem like a simple question, but lets give this some thought shall we? First we have Lindsay the well-mannered, wonderfully naive, want-to-be-freak who stutters when she's nervous or unsure. Then there's Sam the short, geeky, race car fanatic dying to win over Cindy Sanders. Nick- stoner, romantic, absolutely hilarious. Kim Kelly- snobby, rude, bitchy, wasn't hugged enough as a child. The cast list goes on and on.

Perhaps it's not the characters, but how the actors are so compatible. Recently, there have been an overwhelming amount of new movies with two or more of the fictional Lincoln High School graduates. Knocked Up, Pineapple Express, Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshal, and hopefully more will be coming soon.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Back with Biscotti

Hello. As lovely as Italy was, I am so glad to be home and be able to sit in my air conditioned attic, eat chocolate pudding and have a Gilmore Girl marathon with myself/my cousin. When Lorelei and Rory arrive home from Europe, they carry around a white bag of biscotti. When something fun happened, they would ask each other, "Biscotti moment?," reach in the bag and have a snack. Now having journeyed to the land of biscotti, I ask myself: how could I not have had biscotti moments there? Well, I did. And for your fun, I documented them to compare to the Gilmore's'.

Arielle's Biscotti Moment
Above, would be me at a vineyard eating my
lunch (biscotti), with a dog that desperately
needs a bath.

Gilmore Girl Biscotti Moment
Above, would be Lorelei and Rory watching
a ballroom dancing competition on tape.
The bag of biscotti between them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ciao for Now

All right, so until July 20, I'm going to be in Italy. Perhaps when in the Vatican I will have the conveniently opportune moment to touch the Pope's car as Lorelei Gilmore legendarily did. It certainly will make for a nice anecdote! Speaking of Gilmore Girls, my cousin and I have been ploughing through season 4 for the past couple days. She was not much of a fan at all...but season 4 has turned her into one. If anyone is looking to find a new anti-drug while I'm gone, Gilmore Girls would be an easy way to go. My suggestion is (unless you really get seriously hooked) leave the seasons 6 and 7 alone. The new writer for the later years was not quite as witty and hilarious. I'm off to go watch the last 9 episodes. Ciao bella!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'll Be There For You

There is so much singing on Friends (mainly by phoebe), I was given a suggestion by a friend to put together a small tribute-type thing. here it is. Im sure you'll love every minute of it.

1) Chandler and Phoebe singing together=very cute.

2)Phoebe singing "Hey Mickey" to block out the smoke detector.

3) Little Black Curly Hair

4) Holiday Song

5) Smelly Cat!

6) The Truth About Grandmas

7) Bisexuals/In the Jungle

8) Space Oddity

It's Not What It Seems

The shows like One Tree Hill and The O.C. are entertaining for sure. But once in a while you have to ask yourself, why is lucas scott playing ball at the river court rather in a calculus class at Tree Hill high? Why is Seth Cohen playing Halo instead of learning how to conjugate spanish verbs? The answer is yet to be found.

The characters in Friends spend their days drinking coffee, hanging out, and (50% of them) shoe shopping. Shouldn't Ross be discovering dinosaur species, Joey acting, Monica cooking, Chandler doing whatever he does, and Phoeboe messaging strangers?-Which, by the way, couldnt possibly pay enough for her to live the life she does. Rachel is at work so little that I dont even know what she does. something at Bloomingdales/ Ralph Lauren, of course. But what?

In Will & Grace, Will is supposed to be a fairly successful lawyer. But the funny thing is, he rarley works. When he does, he seems to only have one client at a time. For example, Harlin Polk, the southern-talking, loud, bazillionare. Or, Stuart Lamarack, another bazillionare who became Jack's "long term" boyfriend. At the time will was handling these clients, he wasn't working for anyone else. If we took this further, we could say that will didnt have any other clients that we were aware of. Very unrealistic.

Television can be decieving. It more likley is than isn't. There always is a desire we have when watching a juicy episode of Gossip Girl, that life might actually be that way. That perhaps we can go have breakfast at Lukes Diner before school and not be terribly late. I would like a little less false hope from the television producers and a little more realism. Now, I'm definatley not talking about reality TV (because the last thing we need is more of that.) But come on, Lucas should put the basketball down and take out a peice of paper and pencil and do what a normal person does on a weekday.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Seriously, Are You On The List?: Grey's Antomy Versus Heroes

So about every weekend, my dad and I exchange episode watching. Basically, I watch an episode of an old TV show like The Avengers or Moonlighting and he watches an episode of a show I watch. We made it all the way through season 1 of Heroes and he decided he kind of liked it. You need to know my dad is a renowned geek. So naturally I thought a sci-fi show like Heroes would be something he would very much enjoy. Apparently I was wrong.

He started watching Grey's Anatomy season 1 with me and we have made it through 2 episodes. Iimmediately he loves it. He says it reminds him of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It has something to do with the fact that there is one big plot and several sub-plots in every episode. What ever. I spent a weekend with my dad and his friends from high school and college. One of which does nothing but watch television. This friend doesn't even watch Grey's Anatomy. That night, six 50-year-old men unanimously decided that Grey's Anatomy is a chick show. Two months later, my dad is looking forward to spending 45 minutes indulging in the stories of Meredith Grey.

Why is this? That my father enjoys an estrogen-filled lady show rather a comic book show that was practically made for him? Also I am wondering if this is the case with other fully grown pleasantly dorky men? Or is it just my dad? Either way, I love you dad. thank you for watching.

Captain Oats Saves the Pep Rally

Most episodes of The O.C. are more than enjoyable. But this episode (The Blaze of Glory) is one in particular that I would like to give a moment of praise. Reason #1: This is the episode that Marissa realizes she is not a lesbian, resulting in the much anticipated hope for her and Ryan's love reunion. Reason #2: This video clip...Captain Oats is a character we all know and love, its nice to see him get some spotlight. Reason #3: Seth and Summer are back together and back to their old routine...In the previous episode (entitled The Mallpisode) everything Summer says, Seth responds with "Aww that's so cute." Perhaps he forgot she was smart enough to save Christmakkah...?

Monday, June 23, 2008

One Tree Hill Bloopers (Very Funny)

Although I am a huge One Tree Hill fan, I thought this was hilarious! Mark Schwan isnt perfect.

Phoebe Halliwell's Scadalous Attire

While watching an episode of Charmed on TNT I realized (not for the first time) that Pheobe shows a LOT of skin. She wears corsets and bandanas and calls them shirts. Dont get me wrong, I think Pheobe is fabulous in every way. But, she seems to be confusing fashionable with trashy. Her clothing mishaps (along with her hair problems) seem to be concenrated around seasons six and seven.
For example, note the diamond shaped cleavage. I believe that is unnessecary.

<-and here is some belly for you. why?

<- Lots of belly and very weird pants. p.s. does the outfit actually match?

<- Terrible bangs if i do say so myself
<- Okay, she is not showing skin, I'll admit. But honestly, what is that?

<- Need i say anything?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Friends Season 1

Some people think that the first season of a sitcom won't be as good as the later seasons. This theory makes sense considering in the first season of a show, you are still getting to know the characters and the show is just getting into it's groove. However, to my surprise, this is not the case with Friends. In the first scene of the show, the buddies are sitting in Central Perk conversing about their worst nightmares and such. Immediately, you feel comfortable with the characters due to the openness of the environment. Friends season 1 is filled with hilarity and should not be taken for granted. For this reason, I totally recommend that you not dismiss this great show season.

Hello World

I am new to blogging so I am not the most blog-savvy blogger (yes, I just over used the word 'blog' quite a bit...that shows you how much of a rookie I am.) I am a t.v. lover, so that is what I will be writing about. enjoy, comment, and let me know what you think.