Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Seriously, Are You On The List?: Grey's Antomy Versus Heroes

So about every weekend, my dad and I exchange episode watching. Basically, I watch an episode of an old TV show like The Avengers or Moonlighting and he watches an episode of a show I watch. We made it all the way through season 1 of Heroes and he decided he kind of liked it. You need to know my dad is a renowned geek. So naturally I thought a sci-fi show like Heroes would be something he would very much enjoy. Apparently I was wrong.

He started watching Grey's Anatomy season 1 with me and we have made it through 2 episodes. Iimmediately he loves it. He says it reminds him of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It has something to do with the fact that there is one big plot and several sub-plots in every episode. What ever. I spent a weekend with my dad and his friends from high school and college. One of which does nothing but watch television. This friend doesn't even watch Grey's Anatomy. That night, six 50-year-old men unanimously decided that Grey's Anatomy is a chick show. Two months later, my dad is looking forward to spending 45 minutes indulging in the stories of Meredith Grey.

Why is this? That my father enjoys an estrogen-filled lady show rather a comic book show that was practically made for him? Also I am wondering if this is the case with other fully grown pleasantly dorky men? Or is it just my dad? Either way, I love you dad. thank you for watching.


Pin Man said...

Speaking for geeks everywhere:

It is not WHAT you do that counts. It is HOW you do it.

The subject matter of a broadcasting presentation is irrelevant. What counts is the overall quality of the presentation - how good is the story and how good is the acting?

Everything else is secondary. I'd rather watch a TV show or a movie about Romanian textiles than about superheroes if the story and acting in the former is superior.

In movies, the quality of the direction can also make a big difference. On TV, the direction is secondary.

Most TV directors are paid to make each episode look just like the previous episode. Film directors are allowed more creativity. Movies directed by guys like Hitchcock and John Ford have a look and feel to them that you'll never see on TV.

Bottom line: Good is good. Subject matter far less relevant.

Norah Reeshard said...

Okay Arielle

Well as we all know I am huge fan of both Heros and Grey's Anatomy. But I have to say that Heros is better!
I mean I own the first season and could (and have) watch and re-watch every episode a billion times! And everything you re-watch it you get it a bit more!

Oh and by the way this whole NOT CAPITALIZING when grammatical you should is getting on my nerves!

shelley said...

Well, the pin man has absolutely proved his geekness (is that a word) for all time with his comments. I loved it! I myself thought the 1st season of Heroes was terrific; good story lines, interesting characters, moral ambiguity, not sure who is good or bad or both. The 2nd season fell so far down though that it lost a lot in my eyes. Grey's Anatomy on the other hand has held up really well over several seasons. I enjoy the characters, the stories, the humor, the sadness, the irony (though I tire of Mer and Der at times). So I would have to vote for Grey's over Heroes.

BTW - so far I am enjoying your blog - loved that you wrote all that stuff about your dad and his friends. Interesting to think about the differences between how guys/girls look at the shows and how they respond to blogs! I agree with Eleanor, though, consider using some capitol letters! Love, Mom

YankeeFan said...

Hey, Arielle, it's great reading your blog (and I'm still laughing out loud at the comment about K--), but now I'm really worried: what happens the next time you and Gary join us on one of our trips? We're all going to be scared of being made fun of to the world when you get back to your computer.... Anyway I'm looking forward to reading about your trip.